Why Honors? I loved my experience in the Honors Program when I was a student. This was by far the most impactful and most exciting part of my undergraduate experience and after deciding that I wanted to take a Gap year before applying to law school, I wanted to give back to an organization that helped me in so many ways... (more)
Dr. Kirwan is a favorite professor in both the Psychology and Honors Departments. In addition to directing BYU’s new MRI Research Facility, he studies the brain mechanisms that allow people to form and retain memories of events. Read more about Dr. Kirwan here.
Dr. Sandholtz is a sought-after professor in both the Marriott School of Business and the Honors Program. In his research, he investigates how occupations influence and are influenced by organizations and institutions. Read more about Dr. Sandholtz here.
Dr. Macintosh is a popular professor in both the College of Nursing and the Honors Program. As a registered nurse, her research focuses on neonatal care and immunization.
Honors involvement: Will be co-teaching HONRS 220 Section 2: “Literature and Health”, in Winter 2022 with Dr. John Talbot.
As the Honors Advisement Supervisor, Vika works closely with wonderful and smart Honors students in their quest to find unexpected connections, whether that is through classes, Honors thesis or events and activities. She says the best kept secret at BYU is the Maeser Building - home of the Honors Program!
I get most excited about my work when... I know I have made a difference in a student’s life. I always look for opportunities to help and support students as they navigate the whole education system here at BYU.
Dr. Rugh is an Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology. His interests include race and space, housing segregation, mortgage lending, stratification, Latinos, immigration, and racial discrimination.
Luke Howard | Associate Professor Dr. Howard is an Associate Professor in the BYU School of Music in Music History, and his research focuses primarily on how pop culture appropriates classical music. Music to Dr. Howard is not just a passion; it is a way of life.