Created by General Education in 1986, the fellowship is named for Alcuin of York (circa 730- 802), a leading figure of the Renaissance who brought about far-reaching educational renewal. The fellowships are awarded by Undergraduate Education and each recipient of this three-year fellowship award will receive an annual salary stipend of $3,000, and $4,000 annually to support the fellow's research.
Alcuin fellows will develop and team teach an Unexpected Connections course (3.0 credits) in the Honors Program annually during the three-year term as a fellow. These courses comprise the core of the Honors Program curriculum and are required of all Honors students. Unexpected Connections courses are interdisciplinary and fill two GE requirements. The Honors Program will also invite Alcuin Fellows to participate in program events and mentor Honors students.
Eligibility: Candidates must be full-time professorial or professional faculty. Continuing faculty status is highly recommended, and they must have at least five years’ experience at BYU.
Application/Nomination Packet: Candidates may apply or be nominated, and may apply individually or as a teaching partnership. The application/nomination packet should contain the following:
Candidate name, academic rank and years of faculty service at BYU.
Department and college
A letter of application providing evidence of excellence in teaching, willingness to pursue interdisciplinary education, and potential to create exceptional educational experiences. The discussion should include examples such as courses developed and taught, relevant research, and other activities that have prepared them for this opportunity.
An abbreviated curriculum vitae and a Student Ratings Summary Report for the prior three years available here:
Department chair or award committee letter that addresses candidate’s strengths in teaching, ability to collaborate with other faculty and potential to use their experiences to benefit their departments.
Endorsements from the Dean and Chair accepting the obligation associated with this fellowship.
Applications/Nomination: Materials for this award should be submitted to Richard Gill (, Dean of Undergraduate Education, 350A MSRB.
Application Deadline: Deadline is February 28. For more information, contact the Honors Program.