Influential Leaders for a Complex World
Leaders are found in countless settings and disciplines: business, governments, community, families, church and religious affiliations, sports, universities… the list goes on. The Honors Leadership Development Experience (LDE) approaches leadership from the viewpoint that each person is a leader in multiple settings throughout their life – settings that are inherently interdisciplinary and complex.
Honors students prepare for lifelong leadership by first understanding leadership principles, theory, and skills. Then students apply their learning in a substantive leadership experience through approved interdisciplinary projects, programs, internships, or partnerships with the Honors Program.
Complete one of the following:
Option 1: Complete 2 courses (see course descriptions)
- HONRS 310: Foundations of Interdisciplinary Leadership (1.0 credit)
- Submit LDE proposal (see form)
- HONRS 390R: Honors Leadership Practicum (3.0 credits).
Option 2: Complete 1 course (see course descriptions)
- HONRS 391R: Honors Student Leadership Council (4.0 credits, 2 semesters, by application only)
Note: Honors students completing their Leadership Development Experience:
- Must have an approved LDE project (see form) prior to beginning the experience/project or enrollment in HONRS 390R. Projects will not be approved retroactively.
- Must complete HONRS 310 before enrolling in 390R.
- Must register for 390R and begin their LDE project/experience within one year after completing HONRS 310.
- May register for 390R variable credit (1.0-3.0 credits) over more than one term/semester. Students may receive a T grade until all required assignments for enrolled credits are complete. A total of 3.0 credits are required to complete the LDE practicum (390R) requirement.
- May be enrolled in HONRS 390R credit while completing the experience or register for credit the subsequent semester/term (i.e., students completing the LDE practicum spring/summer terms while not enrolled in credits may enroll for credit during the fall semester immediately following the experience).
- Students selected to participate in HSLC (Option 2) are required to register for HONRS 391R for both Fall and Winter semesters.
Questions? Email the Honors Leadership Development Coordinator.