Honors Project Fellowships Sp/Su 2020
APPLY NOW! The Honors Program is excited to announce the creation of Honors Program Project Fellowships for Spring/Summer 2020. This initiative is in response to the dramatic loss of academic opportunities for students as a result of the COVID-19 crisis (see additional updates on Honors COVID-19 response). Many students have lost opportunities for study abroad, internships, service positions, or thesis research. We understand this has not only upset your academic plans, but in many cases has disrupted personal finances as support is pulled or expected income is not available. As a result of program cancellations, the Honors Program will re-allocate funding instead to support students in defining and carrying out projects that have clear and timely benefit to disciplines and/or communities. The objective of this initiative is to help students learn while also helping to support them financially.
Projects will be defined by students and must be completed by the end of Summer term 2020. Projects can be conducted in teams or individually. Approved participants will receive an Honors Project Fellowship of $2,000/term. Fellowship details include:
- Honors will provide 18 spring and 18 summer Fellowships at $2,000 per term. A limited number of students could apply for both terms.
- An Honors faculty member will manage the submission and evaluation of project proposals and deliverables, and evaluate student performance for grades.
- Credit will be offered remotely through HNRS 390R Experiential Learning. Students can sign up for 1-3 credits spring term, summer term, or a total of up to 6 credits across both terms, with expectations commensurate with credit. Regular tuition rates apply.
- This experience can meet the current Honors Program Leadership Development (Experiential Learning) requirement, or may be used to facilitate Honors thesis research projects. Students may be able to apply this credit to a discipline or minor program requirement, subject to individual department approval.
Application forms are available HERE and should be submitted to honors@byu.edu
Then, at the beginning of each term, recipients will work with the designated Honors faculty member to propose and define a project, which will then be reviewed and approved. A project proposal template will be sent to each Fellowship recipient. Students interested in team projects will have a chance to form teams by coalescing around preliminary project proposals from motivated students. The Honors Program will facilitate this process.
Projects must have clear and timely benefit to communities and/or disciplines. Research-based projects could include development of products or understanding of problems. Community-based projects could include development of organizations or campaigns to meet identified needs. Some project proposals may be centered on providing specific support to an existing or emerging organization or initiative. In compliance with BYU guidelines, all instruction and mentoring will be done remotely. Projects must NOT require face-to-face meetings or travel.
Any questions can be directed to Dr. Spencer Magleby magleby@byu.edu