Honors Updates on COVID-19 Skip to main content

Honors Updates on COVID-19

The Honors Community is On-Line!

Updated March 30, 2020: We want to keep everyone in our Honors community informed and connected during this period of unprecedented change. Our thoughts and prayers go out to each of you as we all do our part to support each other, our families, and our extended communities. Here we will keep you informed of the most current developments and circumstances on and off campus.

Confirmed Cases on Campus: There is a new feature on the BYU.edu/coronavirus website that reports the number of confirmed cases among individuals either working on enrolled in classes on campus during winter semester. As of this morning, there are two confirmed cases. Going forward, BYU is asking members of the campus community to self-report if they have had a positive test or are awaiting results of a test, which can be done through this link.

Grades in Honors Courses for Winter 2020: The university announced a change to the grade policy for the Winter 2020 semester, noting that once Winter semester grades are submitted by faculty, students can choose to keep the standard grade given or move to a pass/fail for each specific course. Honors students should be aware that for the Winter 2020 semester, an A, B, or Pass grade will count as acceptable completion of Honors Program requirements. This includes HONRS 120, the Unexpected Connections courses (HONRS 22x), HONRS 391R, and HONRS 320.

The Maeser Building will be closed until further notice. All Honors Program and UE Deans' offices will be physically closed, but we will do our best to ensure our services will remain available to students and faculty electronically. Contact us via email at honors@byu.edu. Alternatively you may call 801.422.3036 and leave a voice mail. We will reply as quickly as possible, but ask for your patience with any delays.

The Honors Advisement Center is still available to help. For the rest of the winter semester, our advisement staff will be available to meet through zoom or email, honors@byu.edu . You can also contact us by phone, 801.422.5497 and leave a voicemail and we will contact you. To set up an appointment, you will need email us.

All university and Honors Program events on campus are cancelled until further notice. Those wishing to obtain the information usually presented in Thesis Workshops should contact honors@byu.edu for individual appointments. Check our website or the weekly Honors Newsletter for updates or other virtual meeetings going forward.

We will continue to send our weekly Honors Newsletter and hope you'll engage with us on-line as we celebrate the achievements of our Honors graduates, a virtual poster session, and other exciting research and academic pursuits that continue -- no matter our location! As always, you can find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter! We'd love to have our students and faculty share posts and encouragement so we all stay connected. Be sure to tag BYU Honors!

Read the latest updates and information from Brigham Young University in response to COVID-19 here.