Inspiration for Publication
This year, seven BYU Honors students had their work featured across two premier Honors academic journals. The Palouse Review and Scribendi are two academic publications that showcase the best work from Honors students across the Western region. We commend these BYU Honors students for their hard work and congratulate them for this achievement and recognition. We hope seeing their work will inspire you to submit your own work to one or both of these journals for the next issues so BYU Honors is well-represented in upcoming issues.
Scribendi is a nonprofit, annual print publication that publishes creative work from undergraduate Honors students from more than 200 institutions in the Western Regional Honors Council (WRHC
Here are the BYU Honors students published in the 2022 Scribendi edition (download here
Peyton Mower
Peyton Mower, a senior majoring in Neuroscience, grew up in Highland, UT, and loves to read anything he can get his hands on. Peyton also enjoys playing the piano and is currently training for an Ironman Triathlon. She’s currently working on a couple novels and short stories and is hoping to publish a novel at some point in the future. Her work The Precipice can be found in the short fiction section of Scribendi.
Amy Griffin
Amy Griffin is a 2022 Honors graduate in broadcast journalism. Amy is from Highland, Utah and is the oldest of three kids. She loves hiking, camping, and paddle boarding. Her hobbies include signing up for projects that she doesn’t know how to do and floundering until she figures it out. She grew up playing with cameras, so her decision to major in Journalism came naturally. She is now at Qualtrics, and eventually planning to pursue graduate school to study media psychology. Her poems Life Giver and The Rather Unfortunate Timing of a Death Airbus in the Midst of a Final Drink Service can be found in the poetry section of Scribendi.
The Palouse Review
The Palouse Review is the digital biannual arts and academics journal of the Washington State University Honors College. The journal accepts submissions from current and former honors students from throughout the Western Regional Honors Council. Editors are looking for carefully crafted, evocative work that demonstrates the literary, artistic, and academic excellence of the broader honors community. Deadline for submission to The Palouse Review is November 1st. See more information here!
Here are the BYU students published in the May 2022 edition (view here
Ben O’ Brien
Ben O’Brien is a senior, majoring in Economics. He hails from Louisville Kentucky, and enjoys skiing, sailing, and Formula 1 racing. After graduating, he plans on attending law school where he’ll certainly get plenty of opportunities to write. Ben’s work Changing Our Nature was featured in the Nonfiction section of The Palouse Review and is an edited version of his HONRS 320 Great Questions essay.
Gabrielle Shiozawa
Gabrielle Shiozawa is a senior majoring in Journalism from Logandale, Nevada. In her free time, she likes to attend concerts, rock-climb, and bake scones. She has goals to explore journalism as a writer and photographer in newspapers and magazines, as well as publish many books. Her work March was featured in the Poetry section of The Palouse Review.
Ashly Rands
Ashly Rands is a senior Music Performance major. She has lived in Clarksville, Tennessee for the past ten years. As a music major and is constantly either practicing or listening to music and is working on a thesis focused on tenor trombone audition solos. She hopes to continue writing short stories and flash fiction in the future. Her work Poor Boy is featured in the fiction section of The Palouse Review.
Jonathan Dickson
Jonathan Dickson hails from Rexburg, Idaho and is a sophomore in Pre-Business. He likes to rock-climb, ski, tinker and learn new skills. Jonathan’s goal for the future is making it through his thesis, which is no small feat. His work Perfect in Christ is featured in the Photography and Visual Art section of The Palouse Review.
Jessica Dofelmire
Jessica Dofelmire graduated with Honors in Political Science in April. She is from Vernal, Utah and enjoys reading, dancing, playing sports, and traveling. Jessica fell in love with the personal essay during her undergraduate Honors experience and is hoping to publish some of these essays in the future. Her work, Prudentia, is featured in the Nonfiction section of The Palouse Review and is the published version of her HONRS 320 Great Question essay.
Submit your work to one of these publications ahead of the October and November deadlines. You can see more opportunities to publish here.