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Thesis Funding


Students may request up to $1200 in research funds from the Honors Program to support thesis research. Students should work closely with their thesis committee chair to develop a budget. Funding requests must be included in the thesis prospectus, serve a bona fide research purpose, include an itemization of expenses, and be pre-approved. Funds will NOT be approved retroactively. Eligible expenses may include materials (including lab supplies), research participant incentives, software, acquisition or access fees, required travel expenses, or equipment rental (not purchase). Wages, tuition, or compensation (other than participant incentives) are not eligible for funding. Approved funding is distributed to faculty research accounts or student financial accounts (student must be enrolled in a minimum of 2.0 credits, and have received any required IRB approvals). Students work with the Honors Program office to access funds and provide any additional documentation required (i.e., student travel authorizations, etc.). We also encourage students to seek mentored learning grants or other funding through their home departments or colleges where possible.

Culminating Experiences

Students presenting thesis research at academic conferences, or seeking off-campus publication venues, may request up to $1000 in additional support funds. This requires a separate Conference Funding Request form.