Participate: Teach
HONRS 120: Introduction to Great Questions
Each semester, a series of guest faculty presenters introduce students to the methodologies and questions that drive research in a variety of disciplines. Faculty guests help students recognize and articulate basic thinking patters, identify research questions, and look for interdisciplinary connections to other fields.
HONRS 22x: Unexpected Connections
The Unexpected Connections courses comprise the core of the Honors Program curriculum. Each team-taught course explores a unique topic and interrogates big or "great" questions through two distinct disciplinary lenses. See current course offerings and descriptions here.
Courses intentionally combine seemingly unrelated fields to explore the tension and connections between ideas, methodologies, and insights. Students and faculty learn together in a collaborative, innovative environment to discover unexpected connections between disciplines, leading to a deeper understanding of the questions we seek to answer.
Each course simultaneously fills Honors core curriculum requirements and the GE requirements in two designated disciplines.
Awarded by Undergraduate Education, the Alcuin fellowship recognizes proven excellence in teaching, willingness to pursue interdisciplinary education and potential to create exceptional educational experiences.
Alcuin Fellows are an integral part of the Honors Program where they have unique opportunities to learn from each other, socialize with top university instructors and participate in teaching development activities. In addition to teaching in the Unexpected Connections sequence, Fellows participate in Honors Program events, mentor Honors’ students, and facilitate interdisciplinary research. Candidates must be full-time professorial faculty with at least five years’ experience at BYU. Continuing faculty status is highly recommended. See additional information and application details here.
Honors Faculty Fellows fill specific, short-term instructional needs in the Honors Program and are a part of the Honors Community. Fellow appointments are for one year only. Faculty Fellows are selected based on curricular needs, interest in the Honors Program, excellence in teaching and proven abilities to pursue interdisciplinary education. Candidates must be full-time professorial or professional faculty. See more information here.