Students Publish in The Palouse Review Skip to main content

Students Publish in The Palouse Review

Sharing Work Across the Region

Four BYU Honors students have works featured in the newest edition of The Palouse Review, a biannual arts and academic journal showcasing work from across the western region. We congratulate Alixa Brobbey, Nicole Lai, Bryan Samuelsen, and Gabrielle Shiozawa for their outstanding academic skill and achievement. Read their contributions in the 2020 May 1st edition of the journal, which features carefully crafted, evocative work that demonstrates the literary, artistic, and academic excellence of the broader honors community. There is another chance to publish coming up later this year (Nov 1 deadline) and we’d love to see more work from our amazing BYU Honors community!

Here are the current BYU entries you don’t want to miss:

Alixa Brobbey spent portions of her childhood in both The Netherlands and Ghana before traveling to study English at BYU. Her work has been published or is forthcoming in The Blue Marble Review, The Battering Ram, Segullah, Inscape, and the Albion Review. Brobbey’s work Quarantined was featured in the Poetry section of the publication.

Nicole Lai is a freshman studying Business. She was born and raised in Singapore, and currently does research on populism in Southeast Asia. When she isn’t trying to maneuver wobbly Cessnas over Utah’s pointy peaks, she can be found belting out Adele in quiet rooms and making short films. Lai’s work Family Throbs at the Heart of Singapore’s Success was featured in the Non Fiction section of the publication.

Bryan Samuelsen is a marketing major who graduated in April 2020 as part of the “Corona Class” (a term he coined himself). He loves NBA basketball and fantasy narrative, and served as president of BYU’s A Cappella Club for two years. Samuelsen’s work Prologue: Night of Fire and Stone was featured in the Fiction section of the publication.

Gabrielle Shiozawa is studying journalism and editing at Brigham Young University. An avid writer, she plans to publish lots of books and inspire others with her words. Shiozawa loves sunshine, ice cream, music, and poetry. In this edition of The Palouse Review, Shiozawa notably had not one, but three works selected for publication. Shiozawa’s work Fields That Were Not His Own was featured in the Non Fiction section of the publication. I Don’t Know Where I Am, But It’s Beautiful was featured in the Poetry section of the publication, and Shiozawa’s video The Ballerina was featured in the Digital Multimedia section of the publication.

Congratulations to all of these students!