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Winter 2024 Honors Course Preview and Registration Tips

Priority registration for Winter semester is right around the corner! Here are some quick tips for registration, helpful hints for freshmen, and a preview of upcoming Honors classes. Remember, you can see the full descriptions for upcoming Honors course offerings on the Honors website here.  

Registration and Scheduling Tips

One of the best places to go for information is BYU’s registration info site at https://enrollment.byu.edu/registrar/registration. Here’s a few registration tips and reminders:

  • Complete your Commitment Interview! You must be an officially enrolled Honors student to be eligible for all Honors classes after HONRS 110 and 120. Haven’t done that yet? Schedule an appointment with an Honors advisor here.
  • Plan ahead! Visit with an Honors advisor for help planning out your academic schedule. This is helpful if you’re not sure how you’re going to complete your major requirements and Honors, if you’ve recently switched your major/minor and want to make a new plan, or if you have any other questions about the program and when to complete requirements.
  • Make sure you have completed prerequisites.  Course descriptions list classes you must complete before enrolling.
  • Don’t wait for your registration date to start adding classes. Use the registration cart to choose the classes you want anytime beforehand. After adding classes, remember to submit your cart before the deadline.
  • Didn’t get added to the class you wanted? If you submitted your cart, you’ll automatically be added to the waitlist. If you want to join the class after the cart submission date and all the seats are filled, get on the waitlist ASAP!

Winter 2024 Honors Course Offerings

As you plan for Winter semester, here’s a quick snapshot of all of the Honors courses on the schedule:

  • HONRS 110 (Intro to Honors): Offered every Fall/Winter
  • HONRS 120 (Intro to Interdisciplinarity): Offered every Fall/Winter
  • HONRS 22x (Unexpected Connections): Offered every Fall/Winter. Individual courses, topics, and GE credit vary each semester. See what’s on the schedule for Winter below (see full descriptions here):
  • HONRS 310 (Foundations of Interdisciplinary Leadership): Offered 1st and 2nd block Winter, Spring term, and 1st block Fall.
  • HONRS 320: (Great Questions Essay): Offered every Fall/Winter. Together with HONRS 499R, this course provides Advanced Writing GE credit.
  • HONRS 390R: (Leadership Practicum): Offered every Fall/Winter/Spring/Summer
  • HONRS 391R: (Honors Student Leadership Council): By application only; Fall/Winter
  • HONRS 499R: (Honors Thesis): Fall/Winter/Spring/Summer. Together with HONRS 320, this course provides Advanced Writing GE credit.

Winter 2024 Unexpected Connections Course (22x series) Topics & GE

Here are titles, brief course descriptions, and the GE listings for the Unexpected Connections courses coming up next semester. Remember, you can find more complete course descriptions and instructors under Courses in the Requirements tab here on the website.

HONRS 220: Biology & Letters
“Pandemics, Plagues, and Contagion: Literary and Scientific Perspectives”
What influences our perceptions of disease and where do these legacies come from? Learn about the biological and cultural legacies of storied pandemics, plagues and communicable diseases and the emotional factors complicating good information and effective responses to outbreaks.

"Supernatural Creatures in Life and Literature”
Could vampires survive on blood? Could zombie behavior result from food-borne illnesses? Explore how outbreaks of political and social panic can undermine critical thinking and rational decision-making processes, and discover the scientific ideas upon which the possibility of fantastic creatures and powers rest and fall.

HONRS 223: Physical Science & Letters
"What Does it Mean to Preserve the Experience of Being in Nature?"
Have you ever taken a picture of the sunset and thought, “this photo doesn’t capture the beauty of the scene?” Or perhaps you’ve spent more time on your trail run staring at your wearable device, meticulously tracking each mile, instead of fully appreciating the natural world around you? The impact of technology on our experiences in nature is undeniable, but it’s not limited to just smartphones or watches.

HONRS 225: Physical Science & Culture
"The Destruction of Atoms and the Creation of Modern Society"
Ever wonder how social struggles such as nationalism, racism, or sexism disrupt the progress of science? This course follows the interrelations between scientific progress and societal factors from the end of the nineteenth century through the middle of the twentieth, a period of tumultuous change, destruction, war and peace.

HONRS 226: Social Science & Letters
"Blessed are the Poor: Understanding Poverty through History and Theology"
What is poverty why does it exist, and what do we do about it? Learn about the societal and religious obligations to the poor and how have these changed over time as we explore sacred texts, historical and contemporary aid societies and governments, philosophers and novelists to gain a more complete understanding of the world around us.

HONRS 227: Social Science & Arts
"Playing with Reality: Investigating Deception through Games, Film, and TV."
How do you know what’s real? Explore the nature of reality, truth, and deception through the lens of social science, games, film, and TV as you discover ways we intentionally and unintentionally deceive ourselves.

HONRS 290R: Various Topics
“The Experience of Wonder" (Languages of Learning & Arts)
How do we experience beauty, wonder, and awe and what do those experiences suggest about our sense of the world? Discover how very different pursuits across a variety of experiences can take on the appearance of beauty.

"Strong Bodies, Resilient Minds, and Healthy Relationships" (Biology & Social Science)
What does it mean to be healthy and how do we maintain wellness? Find fulfillment through physical health, individual wellness, and relationship success and apply scientific and practical approaches to your own life and relationships.

We hope you are as excited about these classes as we are! Remember that to enroll in Unexpected Connections courses, you must have completed HONRS 110 and 120 and committed to be in the Honors program. If you haven’t joined Honors yet, we can’t wait to have you! If you have any questions about registration, prerequisites, or Honors requirements, email an Honors advisor (honors@byu.edu), schedule an appointment here, or stop by the Honors Program office (102 MSRB). Remember to submit your registration cart before the deadline!