Welcome to the New Year!
We hope everyone enjoyed a delightful holiday break. Now, we’re ready to jump back in for more interdisciplinary adventures as an Honors community. We have an exciting line-up of events for this Winter semester! Watch this newsletter for details on upcoming events, sign up for Remind101 (send @honorsbyu to 81010), and see the calendar for the entire semester here on our website. Here are a few highlights to look for this semester:
Chocolate Chats continue on various Fridays at noon. This Honors tradition will include even more variety this semester! Informal chats with faculty continue, and we’ll be adding student discussion days, activities, help sessions for various program requirements, and more.
Night at the Maeser Advisement Events are scheduled throughout the semester. Watch for topics as our Honors advisement team provides fun and invaluable resources to help you progress through Honors.
Thesis Workshops walk you all the way through the thesis process, covering everything from finding a topic to publishing your final product – and everything in between.
Look for the return of fan favorite events including the semi-annual Disciple Scholar Lecture, the Honors Banquet and Ball in late February, the annual Honors Poster Session and Honors Conference in March, and of course Honors Graduation in April!
This month, mark your calendar for Friday, January 27th when HSLC will kick things off with the Winter Opening Social at 6:00 pm.
We are looking forward to another great semester as we strengthen our Honors community of connections, adventure, innovation and belonging. Welcome back!