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Meet Your Student Leaders

2022-23 Honors Student Leadership Council

Fall semester is in full swing, and the Honors Student Leadership Council (HSLC) has already hit the ground running. These student leaders have planned a full schedule of fun programs and exciting events for the academic year. This year, HSLC is looking to strengthen the Honors program by focusing on the theme: Connection, Innovation, Belonging and Adventure. (Watch for the banners you'll see around campus this fall!) Members of HSLC want all Honors students to understand that they belong in the Honors program, and that their story is important. Diana Gonzales, President of the HSLC says, “Students should know that we value their different experiences, and that those experiences are crucial to the Honors program. Our differences help us see the world through a variety of different lenses and help create a community that we all want to be a part of.”

In addition to their individual responsibilities, council members meet twice a week in class for instruction and training on teaching leadership through principles and building skills. Members of HSLC commit to serve a full year, both Fall and Winter semesters. They are passionate about the Honors Program and sharing their experience with others. If this is an opportunity that sounds interesting to you, watch for the application deadline in March and reach out to a member of HSLC for the inside scoop! Now, without further ado, meet your 2022-23 HSLC council members!

Diana Gonzales

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International Relations/ HSLC President
Although I don’t have a lot of free time, I love watching movies, throwing parties, reading books, and absorbing the sun outside. My goal for the Honors program this year is to reach out to students of diverse backgrounds to come join us at the Honors program. Our focus is on inclusion and belonging this year. A podcast I would recommend is Brene Brown’s Unlocking Us, specifically her episode with Oprah Winfrey about trauma.

Dallyn H. McCracken

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Linguistics Major/ HSLC Vice President & Events Committee
I love being social and talking with other people. I also love watching football– try to spot me at the BYU home games! This year on HSLC, I’m hoping to help create some amazing events that students can’t wait to attend. A podcast I would recommend is Inside Sources by Boyd Mattheson, who’s a Utah local!

Georgi Ana Wilson

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Psychology/ HSLC Vice President & Marketing Committee
In my free time, I love to run, create art and travel. Within the Honors program this year I’m hoping to foster an environment where every student feels like they belong. A book I would recommend is Boys in the Boat by Daniel James Brown

Benjamin Stubblefield

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Neuroscience/ HSLC Secretary & Inclusion Committee
I love trying new activities and spending time with friends and family. If you’re a fan of racquet/paddle sports, I’m always down to play a game! This year I want to expand the outreach of the honors program by helping others see its benefit and feel they belong within the honors community. A podcast I recommend is one called The Davenport– co-hosted by my aunt!

Ryan Baird

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Psychology/ Events Committee
I enjoy hiking trails, trying new things, and riding horses. This year I want to help others in the program broaden their thought processes. A book I would recommend reading is Visions of Glory by John M. Pontius.

Marshall Butler

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Manufacturing Engineering/ HSLC Research Committee
I love to travel (I’ve been to 45/50 states so far), spend time outdoors (I’ve been camping 4 times this year so far), and learn cool new skills (for example, I became a blacksmith last summer). This year, I want to help the Honors students understand the value of the program so they will hopefully want to stay in it longer. A business book I would recommend reading is Good to Great by Jim Collins!

Brigit Cooper

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Psychology/ HSLC Marketing Committee
I like to roller skate and practice Krav Maga in my free time. My goals this year are to finish my Honors thesis and graduate with honors! A book I would recommend is World of Wonders by Aimee Nezhukumatathii.

Britton Davis

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Economics/Spanish Studies/ HSLC Marketing Committee
In my free time, I love exploring fictional stories through other books and media. In the program this year I would love to see more people find out about and join the Honors program, so no one has to miss out on its great influence and experiences during their undergraduate education. A podcast I would recommend is The Jordan Harbinger Show!

David Fillmore

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Open-Major/ HSLC Marketing Committee
My favorite thing to do is spend time with friends and family. My goal this year is to get the BYU Honors Program recognized by local news media (e.g., Deseret News, Salt Lake Tribune). A book I would recommend is a Brave New World by Aldous Huxley.

Bryan Frandsen

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Economics/ HSLC Marketing Committee
I enjoy mountain biking, spending time with friends and family and the occasional video game. This year, I want to understand what Honors students like most about the program so we can lean into those aspects even more. A book I would recommend is The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus!

Jacob Johnston

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Neuroscience/ HSLC Events Committee
I love playing volleyball and soccer, practicing the piano, singing, and spending time in the great outdoors. This year I’m hoping to increase the recognition and enhance public opinion of the Honors program to appeal to a large variety of prospective students and demonstrate value to post-graduate programs and institutions. A podcast that I would recommend checking out is Freakonomics!

Alexandra Jones

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Pre-Business/ HSLC Inclusion Committee
In my free time I enjoy sitting outside with a good book or getting a form of exercise in, like ice skating or dancing. This year I would love to have more involvement within the Honors program and promote the program in a way to get non-honors members to come and join. I want to create a space for everyone to feel involved and see what Honors has to offer! A book I would recommend is 101 Essays That Will Change the Way You Think by Brianna West.

Sam Lucas

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Business / HLSC Inclusion Committee
In my free time, I love painting and dancing with my fiancé, Georgi (who’s also part of HSLC) as well as reading, exercising and being active outdoors. This year I’m hoping to expand the connections in the Honors Program for upperclassmen and underrepresented programs. A couple books I recommend are Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson and The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson.

Mauricio Morales

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Political Science/ HSLC Inclusion Committee
I enjoy watercolor painting, giving tours of BYU while driving a golf cart, and traveling. This year I’m hoping to help students find their refuge in the Honors program, and help them feel included, loved and supported. A book I’ve read recently that I would recommend is Gratitude by Amelia Riedler.

Christian Pearson

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Psychology and Spanish Studies / HSLC Events Committee
I enjoy surfing, wakeboarding, skiing, and pretty much anything wet. When I’m not near water, you can find me playing pickleball, rock climbing or rocking out on the electric guitar. This year, I really want to see more program recognition and awareness across the various colleges on campus, and I would love to start an inter-collegiate Honors quiz bowl. I’m in the middle of reading Jordan B. Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life, and it’s been really insightful so far.

Lauren Smith

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Spanish major, TESOL minor/ HSLC Events Committee
In my free time, I love to read and do Zumba. One goal I have for the Honors program this year is to create a community where people feel safe, loved and seen for who they are. My roommates and I are currently watching White Collar and it’s amazing!

Samuel Kwabena Yeboah

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International Relations/ HSLC Marketing Committee
In my free time, I like to play soccer and watch anime and movies. The goal of the Honors program is to continue to inspire and seek learning through experimentation and taking risks. A TV show I would recommend watching is The Vampire Diaries.