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Congrats August '24 Grads!

Meet the New Honors Alumni

Congratulations to our August 2024 University Honors graduates! We recognize these outstanding students for their contributions to our Honors community and the expanding body of knowledge. They embody the mission of the Honors Program as influential leaders setting a standard of excellence. Well done!

Benjamin James Austin

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Major: Interdisciplinary Humanities
Thesis: The Nordstjarua Project: Recovering Voices of Mormon-Swedish Migration (View thesis)
Advisor: Christopher Oscarson
Plans After Graduation: Ben will be heading to the Appalachians to complete a master beekeeping apprenticeship at Spikenard Apiary in Floyd, Va.

Blaise Rachel Dobson

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Major: Psychology
Thesis: Examining the Dual Nature of Post-Mission Mental Health: An Analysis of Mental Health Symptoms and Positive Well-Being Among Returned Missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (View Thesis)
Advisor: Blake Lee Jones
Plans After Graduation: Blaise plans on attending graduate school.

Benjamin Dewey Kearsley

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Major: Statistics
Thesis: Exploring Methods to Characterize Seizure-like Activity in Mice Brains (View Thesis)
Advisor: Micah Raymond Shepherd
Plans After Graduation: Benjamin will be working as an Associate Data Scientist with Engine.

Joshua Sam Lucas

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Major: Strategic Management
Thesis: Strategy in Action - The Creation of the Codex (View Thesis)
Advisor: James Oldroyd
Plans After Graduation: Sam will be attending graduate school at Warwick Business School in the UK.

William Jack Martindale

Major: Asian Studies/Statistics
Thesis: Partisanship, Security, and Global Status: Anatomy of Taiwan's March 19 Shooting Conspiracy Theories (View Thesis)
Advisor: Zhidan Duan
Plans After Graduation: William will be attending graduate school at UC San Diego, starting in September.

Garrett Alexander Mast

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Major: Family History-- Genealogy
Thesis: A Wee Bit of Cleanup: Updating Scottish Locality Pages on the FamilySearch Research Wiki (View Thesis)
Advisor: Jill N. Crandell
Plans After Graduation: Garrett plans to work for a year, then pursue an MLIS and genealogical accreditation.

Madeline Jo Nielsen

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Major: Political Science
Thesis: Religion Clause Interpretation and Natural Rights Philosophy (View Thesis)
Advisor: Ralph C. Hancock
Plans After Graduation: Madeline will be working as a legal analyst at America First Credit Union.

Joseph Lance Nielson

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Major: Computer Engineering
Thesis: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease remote patient monitoring using spirometry: a systematic review (View thesis)
Advisor: Benjamin Schooley
Plans After Graduation: Joseph plans to attend graduate school at the University of Utah this fall.

Benjamin Joseph Quist

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Major: Psychology/English
Thesis: The Humble Negotiator: Expressed Humility in Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Scenarios (View Thesis)
Advisor: Bradley Paul Owens
Plans After Graduation: Benjamin will be pursuing a PhD in Management and Organizations at the University of Michigan.

Sydney Lee Reil

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Major: Neuroscience
Thesis: Reproductive Policy, Rights, and Practices in Germany from Hitler's Regime to Reunification (View Thesis)
Advisor: Hans Wilhelm Kelling
Plans After Graduation: Sydney will be attending Graduate School of Systematic Neurosciences at Ludwig-Maximilians Universität in Munich, Germany.

Michelle Shel-Lo Wang

Major: Mathematics/Economic
Thesis: Information Geometric Analysis of the Viscous-Grain-Shearing (VGS) Model (View Thesis)
Advisor: Tracianne Beesley Neilsen

Joshua Charles Webster-Ford

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Major: Biochemistry
Thesis: Tractor Beams and Disease: Probing repeat RNA Structure Through Single Molecule Force Spectroscopy (View Thesis)
Advisor: Kenneth A. Christensen
Plans After Graduation: Joshua will be attending Graduate School: University of Oxford in October.

Lucia Joy Wesemann

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Major: Biology
Thesis: A Pan-cancer Proteogenomic Assessment of the Retinoblastoma Tumor Suppressor Pathway (View Thesis)
Advisor: Samuel Harris Payne
Plans After Graduation: Lucy will be attending Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences to pursue PhD in immunology.