Congratulations to our April 2024 University Honors graduates! Graduating from BYU with University Honors is no small feat, only achieved by about one percent of the graduating class. It takes careful planning, hard work, and collaboration with faculty and students alike. We applaud these outstanding students and recognize each for their contributions to our community of scholars and the expanding body of knowledge. You embody the aims of a BYU education as you now embark on a lifetime of learning and service. Well done!
Penny Akre
April 04, 2024 12:22 PM
Major: Nutritional Science / Korea Studies Thesis: Evening vs Morning Exercise on the Appetite Hormones (View thesis) Advisor: James LeCheminant Plans After Graduation: Penny will be working as a quality supervisor at Factory6.
Rebecca Lynn Apgar
Major: Civil Engineering Thesis: Development and Demonstration of an Apparatus for Assessing Frost-Heave Susceptibility of Soil (View thesis) Advisor: William Guthrie Plans After Graduation: Rebecca will be working at Keller Associates.
Marshall Scott Butler
Major: Manufacturing Engineering Thesis: Using Lean Six Sigma Methodologies to Improve the Patient Experience at the BYU Student Health Center (View thesis) Advisor: Britt Richard Berrett Plans After Graduation: Marshall will be doing a research fellowship in Washington DC studying nanoparticles and then doing a study abroad at Oxford in England. Following that he will be attending graduate school.
Darien Alexander Campbell
Major: Computer Science Thesis: Explainable AI using Assumption-Alignment Tracking on Multiple Algorithms (View thesis) Advisor: Jacob Crandall Plans After Graduation: Darien will attend graduate school here at BYU this fall.
Melissa Chavez
Major: Psychology Thesis: Ecological Validity of Simulated Ethical Situations in Therapy Part 2 (View thesis) Advisor: Benjamin Ogles Plans After Graduation: Melissa will attend graduate school at Utah Valley University this fall.
Michael Phillip Dew
April 04, 2024 11:14 AM
Major: Neuroscience Thesis: The Role of Age, Sex, and mGluR5 in Hippocampal Depotentiation in Mice (View thesis) Advisor: Jeff Edwards Plans After Graduation: Michael will attend Medical School at Baylor College this fall.
Rebecca Lorraine Driggs
Major: History Thesis: Depictions of Black Girlhood in 19th Century Children's Literature (View thesis) Advisor: Rebecca DeSchweinitz Plans After Graduation: Becca is taking a gap year and then will pursue an MA in Public History at North Carolina State University.
Emma Kaye Fox
April 04, 2024 11:14 AM
Major: English Thesis: "The History of Every Country Begins in the Heart of a Woman": Willa Cather's Reclamation of the Female American Immigrant through Edenic Western Narratives (View thesis) Advisor: Kristin Matthews Plans After Graduation: Emma is planning to attend graduate school this fall.
Mary Otilda Harris
Major: Political Science Thesis: Power and Participation: Women's Participation in the Arab Spring and Its Impact on Women Empowerment (View thesis) Advisor: Joshua Gubler Plans After Graduation: Mary is still weighing her post-graduation plans.
Alanna Hess
Major: English Thesis: Flight of the Gods: Charting the Terra Incognita of Belief through Dragon Literature Advisor: Ann Dee Knight Ellis Plans After Graduation: Alanna plans to write full-time and prepare her current novel for publication.
Ashley Lauryn Hunsaker
Major: Experience Design & Management Thesis: Transformational Experiences and Decision Making Processes: Factors Influencing the Choice of College Major (View thesis) Advisor: Mathew Duerden Plans After Graduation: Ashley plans to work full time, then apply to PhD programs next year.
Tyler Abraham Hutchinson
Major: Mechanical Engineering Thesis: Economic Impact Considerations for Sustainable Design Engineering as Derived from the Literature (View thesis) Advisor: David Fullwood Plans After Graduation: Tyler will be working at EPIC Systems.
Andrew Nicholas Jenkins
Major: Physiology & Developmental Biology (Human Development) Thesis: Rapid Discovery of House-Keeping Genes in the Bacterium, Kushneria, Using a Slalom-Library Based CRISPRi Forward Genetic Screen (View thesis) Advisor: Jonathon Hill Plans After Graduation: Andrew will continue to pursue his biomedical research interests over this summer before starting graduate school next year.
Kyle Joshua Kelley
Major: Mechanical Engineering Thesis: Economic Impact Considerations for Sustainable Design Engineering as Derived from the Literature Advisor: Christopher Mattson Plans After Graduation: Joshua plans to attend graduate school.
Kayla LaFroth
Major: Communications (Advertising) Thesis: Blue Moon: Exploring the Complexities of Human Love Through a Werewolf Romance Novel (View thesis) Advisor: Spencer Hyde Plans After Graduation: Kayla is seeking employment after graduation.
Ruth Jamison Larson
Major: Public Health (Epidemiology) / Spanish Studies Thesis: Linguistic and Cultural Barriers to Hispanic Immigrant Vaccination (View thesis) Advisor: Brian Poole Plans After Graduation: Ruth will attend graduate school at Ohio State University this fall.
Hunter Lindsay
April 15, 2024 08:40 AM
Major: Molecular Biology Thesis: Characterizing the Role of Atypical Chemokine Receptor CCRL-V180M in Neuroinflammation and Alzheimer's Disease Advisor: Kelly Weber Plans After Graduation: Hunter will be attending medical school, where he hopes to specialize in neuroscience.
Joleah Christine Long
Major: Geography (Geospatial Intelligence) Thesis: The Abuse of Greatness: A Comparative Study Between a Leader's Recognition of Remorse and Their State's Economic, Political, and Social Success (View thesis) Advisor: Perry Hardin Plans After Graduation: Joleah will be teaching at Liahona Prep.
Matthew Covey McNairy
Major: Philosophy Thesis: How Fundamental Epistemic Limitations Impact My Human Experience (View thesis) Advisor: Gordon Mower Plans After Graduation: Matthew will attend BYU Law school this fall.
Jeremy Russell Mumford
Major: Computer Science (Data Science) Thesis: Improving Human Recognition of Deepfakes (View thesis) Advisor: Quinn Snell Plans After Graduation: Jeremy will be working as a software engineer for Pattern
Kelsi Taylor Niepraschk
Major: Experience Design & Management Thesis: The Implementation of Transformative Learning Theory and Immersion (View thesis) Advisor: Camilla Hodge Plans After Graduation: Kelsi will be working as a consulting analyst for Accenture.
Caroline Grace Ploeger
Major: Physiology & Developmental Biology Thesis: Effects of Enzymatic and Chemical Bisulfite Conversion on Cell-Free DNA Fragmentation (View thesis) Advisor: Timothy Jenkins Plans After Graduation: Caroline will attend Medical School at the University of Louisville.
Emily Maria Rodriguez
April 04, 2024 11:14 AM
Major: Sociology Thesis: Exploring the Border Identity of the Residents of Ambos Nogales: A Pilot Study (View thesis) Advisor: Ignacio Garcia Plans After Graduation: Emily plans to work for a year, then return to school for a Master's in Public Policy.
Amelia Alice Scott
Major: English Thesis: Eye for an Eye: Retributive Justice in the Hornet's Nest (View thesis) Advisor: Spencer Hyde Plans After Graduation: Amelia will attend graduate school here at BYU.
Zacory Dean Shakespear
Major: Physics & Astronomy Thesis: Silicates as an Explanation for Discrepancies in Atmospheric Modeling of L-Type Brown Dwarfs (View thesis) Advisor: Denise Stephens Plans After Graduation: Zac plans to attend graduate school this fall.
Dylan Michael Skinner
April 04, 2024 11:14 AM
Major: Mathematics (Applied & Computational Mathematics) Thesis: Using Deep Learning Techniques to Find the 4D Slice Genus of a Knot (View thesis) Advisor: Mark Hughes Plans After Graduation: Dylan will be attending Georgia Tech for his Master's in Computer Science.
Mitchell Thomas Smith
Major: Interdisciplinary Humanities Thesis: Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) in the Clinic: How the Humanities Affect the Way we Make Visual Diagnoses Within Medicine (View thesis) Advisor: Nathaniel Kramer Plans After Graduation: Mitchell is currently applying to medical school.
Zachary Dee Stevenson
Major: American Studies / French Studies Thesis: Leaving Town: Loss and Restoration in Marilynne Robinson's Housekeeping and Gilead(View thesis) Advisor: Makayla Steiner Plans After Graduation: Zach plans to attend graduate school at Indiana University at Bloomington.
Lorin Marie Utsch
Major: Communications (Journalism) Thesis: International Asylum Law in the U.S. Supreme Court (View thesis) Advisor: Edward Carter Plans After Graduation: Lorin plans to work for a year, then attend the University of Virginia Law school.
Samuel Tj Wald
Major: Information Technology Thesis: Exploring Extended Reality in an Aqueous Processing Test Bed for Nuclear Material Advisor: Derek Hansen Plans After Graduation: Sam plans to pursue an IT position here in Utah.
Macy Rebecca West
Major: Philosophy Thesis: On Sensible Limits of Love: Implications of Moral Failure in Loving Relationships (View thesis) Advisor: Justin White Plans After Graduation: Macy will attend the University of Chicago Law School this fall.
Whitley Syria Williams
Major: Psychology Thesis: Facebook Complaints on Dating by Gender (View thesis) Advisor: Adriane Ito de Queiroz Cavallini Plans After Graduation: Whitley will be working as a manager at Chrysalis this year and then plans to apply to graduate school.
Josephine Beatrice Sampson Zenger
Major: Sociology Thesis: The Belonging Process: How Low-Income, BIPOC, and First-Generation Students on BYU Campus Experience Belonging (View thesis) Advisor: Gregory Thompson Plans After Graduation: Josie plans on attending the London School of Economics.