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Timothy Grigg

Name: Timothy Grigg
Major: Mathematics
Graduation: June 2028
Instagram: @qui.gon.tim

I grew up in rural Washington, where I learned to play the piano and organ. I love music, swing dancing, and reading, especially reading Brandon Sanderson's books. I also love things that make me think and have perfected the art of telling Dad Jokes--he usually laughs.

Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give your freshman self?

Deadlines matter. Figure out what assignments are due when and get them done much earlier.

What is something you wish everyone knew about your major/field of study?

It's not as complete as school makes it seem. Every year, hundreds of papers detailing mathematical discoveries are published--we're far from knowing everything about Math.

What has been the most significant plot twist in your life?

I moved to Oregon right before my senior year of High School.

What is your favorite quote and why?

My favorite quote is "Be yourself. Everyone else is taken." I love this quote because it reminds me that we should focus on improving ourselves and not being as good as or better than someone else.

What’s one item on your bucket list?

I want to learn a second language.

Wha sparked your interest in your major?

I've always seen math as a puzzle to solve.

What do you do differently than most people?

I cook my own meals whenever possible and bake my own bread.

Why did you decide to join the Honors Program?

I decided to join the Honors Program because I love making new connections. I wanted classes that would challenge me and make me think. I'm currently in HONRS 220, "Supernatural Creatures in Life and Literature," where I get to explain the biology of mythical creatures like vampires and dragons. It's interesting, fun, and challenging, and I am excited to see what the other classes are like.

What has been your favorite Honors Experience?

My favorite Honors experience so far has been my current Honors class, HONRS 220. I remember the first assignment I wrote for the class where I got to geek out on a Marvel movie, trying to explain how the dragons in Shang Chi flied and survived.

What is your next step in Honors?

After I return from my mission, I will continue taking Honors Classes. After a few more semesters of math classes, I will also be able to begin my Honors Thesis by researching mathematics.