Haylie Jarvis
Name: Haylie Jarvis
Primary Major: Genetics, Genomics & Biotechnology
Secondary Major: Bioinformatics
Minor: Ballet
Graduation: April 2025
Instagram: @haylie.jarvis
I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about how to best introduce myself (I’m even writing my Great Questions essay on that topic) and I still haven’t quite figured out how to do it. But I love dancing, yoga, hiking, and being outside (when it’s not snowing). You can often find me staring up at the clouds, the trees, the mountains, or the stars (and trying not to fall off the sidewalk at the same time).
What sparked your interest in your major?
In my high school biology class, I thought Punnett squares (and the concepts behind them) were so cool! I was the only one to make and analyze a really big one (eight by eight) for extra credit. My love for genetics has only grown since then. As a TA for genetics, I haven’t stopped using Punnet squares almost every day! And despite being intimidated by computer science at first, I ended up adding bioinformatics as a second major after taking the intro class and loving it!
What’s one item on your bucket list?
One item on my bucket list is to travel to all seven continents. After my study abroad to Tanzania this coming May, I’ll be at five out of seven!
What’s your favorite quote and why?
My favorite quote right now is “You only get one life. It's actually your duty to live it as fully as possible.” I feel like I often get caught up in just trying to stay afloat in college, but time passes so quickly. I love this reminder to live life with intention.
Why did you decide to join the Honors Program?
I joined the Honors program because I liked the idea of classes focused on learning how to think for yourself rather than just memorizing information. All the unexpected connections classes I took lived up to that expectation and I am so grateful for those experiences!
What has been your favorite Honors experience?
My favorite honors experience has been meeting one of my best friends, and my current roommate, in our first unexpected connections class! We had to do weekly nature journals (a.k.a. the best homework assignments) so we would carpool up the canyon together. Since then, we have ended up in the same classes for the last 3 semesters!
What is your next step in Honors?
After I complete my Great Questions essay this semester, my next step will be starting my thesis.