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Douglas Stone

Name: Douglas Stone
Major: Chemical Engineering
Graduation: April 2026

Briefly tell us about yourself and your passions:
I’m just a guy who loves the scriptures and rock music.

What sparked your interest in your major?
I have always been interested I how the world really works, and Chemical Engineering all about learning true principles and applying them to improve human life.

What’s one item on your bucket list?
I’d love to return to Brasil, where I serve my mission, and see Cristo Redentor and Iguazu Falls.

What’s the best-kept secret at BYU? Why?
The Engineering Research Lab! I straight up live there, having all three meals and sometimes even showering there! It is a 4 story building behind the Clyde where I do research burning biofuel in a 2 story reactor. Cranes, welding material, and a whole warehouse of tools is something most BYU students probably don’t get to see everyday.

What are three things that can always be found in your pantry/refrigerator?
I am big into meal prepping, so definitely some Salmon, lots of spinach, and some apple cider.

What are people often surprised to learn about you?
I spent 4th and 5th grade in Germany, visiting castles, eating chocolate, and playing lots of soccer.

What has been the most significant plot twist in your life?
Getting to serve a mission in South Brasil, then North Carolina, and then return to Brasil! I wanted to go back so bad, and some real miracles occurred to get me there.

What do you do differently than most people?
I am very prone to making references. I have a pretty good memory in come cases, so music lyrics, TV and movie quotes, and scripture references pop up in any conversation that lasts more than 30 seconds. My friends joke that I could speak exclusively in quotes, and they are still my friends, so apparently it doesn’t make me too hard to talk to :)

If you could instantly master any skill or talent, what would it be and why?
I would love to master the guitar. I play a bit, but I wish I was a real rockstar on it and could honor my favorite songs by being able to play them.

Why did you decide to join the Honors Program?
I wanted to have the full BYU experience, and the Honors Program seemed like a great way to expose me to people and classes I wouldn’t be familiar with in my microcosmic chemical engineering world.

What has been your favorite Honors experience?
I loved the “Playing with Reality” 22X class I took as a freshman. It was just what I was looking for as far as a mental expanding experience what was interactive and fun.

What is your next step in Honors?
I am in my last 22X class right now, so I’ll be taking my Great Question Class and getting started on my Thesis.