Darren Skidmore

Name: Darren Skidmore
Major: Computer Science
Minor: Mathematics, Statistics
Graduation Date: April 2027
Instagram: @ darrenrs0515
I am from a multicultural (White + Mexican) family in Roy, Utah. This is my second year at BYU and I've been part of the Honors program since I started here. I enjoy tinkering with computers and technology, traveling, and learning more about the world around me. I also enjoy playing video games—but not the type most people might be acquainted with—I mostly play puzzle and incremental games. I work at FHSS Technical Services as an IT Specialist and in the IMAAL Research Lab with Dr. Casey Deccio.
What's one item on your bucket list?
I am interested in traveling to all 50 U.S. states! So far, I've been to about half of them.
What is something you wish everyone knew about your major/field of study?
Computer Science: Not just coding, but there's so much math you might as well pick up your math minor too.
All modesty aside, what are you better at than 90% of people?
I can type 160 words per minute (for 60 seconds,) but I spend most of my time thinking about what to type anyway 😛
Why did you decide to join the Honors Program?
I wanted an additional academic challenge beyond what I was already pushing myself to do; doing Unexpected Connections classes instead of GEs, as well as getting involved with undergraduate research allured me to join.
What has been your favorite Honors experience?
Being able to go on a "field trip" and experience an MRI machine in Dr. Kirwan and Dr. Esplin's unexpected connections class.
What is your next step in Honors?
I will be focusing on the Great Questions course and my leadership practicum in the near future. I will also begin thinking about thesis ideas and professors with whom I can collaborate.