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Carter Glass

Carter Glass
Major: Music
Minor: Global and Community Impact
Graduation: April 2025
Instagram: @carterplastic

As a military brat, I've lived in six states, two countries, and ten different houses. I love love love pop culture, especially music and movies. Music has been a huge boon in my life, being a lifeline when I've been lost and a place for me to build community. I'm a trumpet player, though I've dabbled in a little bit of everything. My lifelong goal is to take the difference that music has made in my life, and hopefully pay it forward.

What are your favorite books?

The War for Late Night by Bill Carter Jesus and John Wayne by Kristin Kobes Du Mez.

What’s the best kept secret at BYU? Why?

International Cinema. Some of my favorite films are ones that I saw there and I always come away with a desire to watch more film and to watch film more critically.

What is something you wish everyone knew about your major/field of study?

A degree in music is so much more versatile than most people realize, and the work discipline and attitude required for the arts can be useful for the rest of your life.

Why did you decide to join the Honors Program?

I've always loved challenging myself academically, and the interdisciplinary aspects of the Honors Program mirror how I think about the world, not in terms of one field or the other, but holistically with every piece of knowledge connecting to another.

What has been your favorite Honors experience?

Honors 227 changed the way I think about learning, studying both the gospel and academically, and exposed me to so many great films and thinking techniques. I highly recommend taking it with Dr. Derek Hansen and Dr. Jeff Parkin.

What is your next step in Honors?

I'm in my last Unexpected Connections class right now, so my next step is to start working on my Great Questions essay and Leadership classes.