Caleb Rogers

Name: Caleb Rogers
Major: Political Science
Secondary Major: French Studies
Minor: Global Business and Literacy
Graduation: April 2026
Instagram: @calebbrogers
Hey! I’m Caleb, I've lived all over the U.S. — 7 states to be exact. I enjoy traveling, adventures, and trying new things. I’m a dedicated runner and compete in the 800m whenever I get the chance. I also love anything active, from skiing to rock climbing, hiking, and portrait photography. I’m currently a sophomore at BYU hoping to pursue a career in either management consulting or diplomacy.
What are your favorite books? / What are you currently reading?
I love love love Harry Potter and am rereading book six right now.
What's the best-kept secret at BYU? Why?
The Hinckley Center is the best study spot on campus.
Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give your freshman self?
Talk to everyone you meet.
Why did you decide to join the Honors Program?
I wanted to diversify my educational experience here at BYU and push myself to meet people studying in different majors. It’s absolutely exceeded my expectations and I've built along the way!
What has been your favorite Honors experience?
I loved taking Honors 310 — interdisciplinary leadership. I learned a lot about myself and was able to develop and grow through the class assignments and interacting with other students. I’d highly recommend taking the class.
What is your next step in Honors?
I’m looking to begin my honors proposal before the end of this semester so I can get a head start on my thesis going into my junior year!