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Brandon Abraham

Name: Brandon Abraham
Major: Neuroscience
Graduation: April 2029
Instagram: @brandonsabraham

Briefly tell us about yourself and your passions:
I'm a Sophomore from Middleton, Idaho who loves learning. If there's something to be learned, I want to learn it. I love meeting and serving people, exercising, striving to further my discipleship to Jesus Christ, and trying new things.

What sparked your interest in your major?
I asked President Reese what major I should choose, and he suggested Neuroscience.

What’s one item on your bucket list?
I would love to teach a class at BYU someday.

What’s the best-kept secret at BYU? Why?
UNIV 218R. It's a class about finding your unique potential and it helps you discover your potential as a son or daughter of loving parents.

What are three things that can always be found in your pantry/refrigerator?
Peanut butter, jelly, bread

What are people often surprised to learn about you?
A lot of people are surprised by the athletic abilities the Lord has blessed me with.

What has been the most significant plot twist in your life?
Around the time I turned sixteen I learned about having an eternal perspective and the joy and agency that comes as we live with eternity in mind. This changed my life for the best.

What do you do differently than most people?
I try to be as aware as possible of everything going on.

If you could instantly master any skill or talent, what would it be and why?
None, where would be the satisfaction in learning, failing, and growing?

Why did you decide to join the Honors Program?
Challenging myself in striving to capitalize on some of my weaknesses felt right to me, especially during my BYU experience. The Honors Program works well with my plans and will be useful to me as I go forth to serve in a medical discipline.

What has been your favorite Honors experience?
I enjoyed playing the piano before class one day. The fact that I played as well as I did is a miracle I'm grateful for.

What is your next step in Honors?
Right now, I'm in two Unexpected Connections courses and I plan on taking my third when I return from my mission to England.