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Amelia Scott

Amelia Scott
Major: English
Minor: Spanish
Graduation: April 2024
Instagram: @hydecastle.raven

I love love LOVE writing. If I have a spare minute, you can find me on my laptop jotting down ideas. Telling stories has always been a hobby of mine, and I'm working on several novels to eventually publish.

What’s one item on your bucket list?

I want to travel to Antarctica.

What sparked your interest in your major?

I love picking apart the underlying messages in stories and constructing arguments.

What are people often surprised to learn about you?

I am a purple belt in karate.

What is something you can never be found without?

A fan, notebook, and headphones.

Why did you decide to join the Honors Program?

I love the interdisciplinary learning and networking with professors. I've gotten to know a lot of students and teachers I never would have met otherwise, and they've taught me so much!

What has been your favorite Honors experience?

Taking Honors 226, the Art of Transformative Storytelling in Fall of 2021. My group created an interactive experience across campus, and it is something I think about all the time.

What is your next step in Honors?
I am preparing for my thesis and just submitted my proposal.