Murder Mystery at the Maeser Skip to main content

Murder Mystery at the Maeser

Witches, wizards, squibs, and muggles gathered for a night of intrigue and mystery.

Witches, wizards, squibs, and muggles gathered for a night of intrigue and mystery during this year’s Harry Potter-themed Murder Mystery. The event took place in none other than the oldest and one of the spookiest buildings on campus, the Maeser!

The robe-clad participants feasted on meatballs, rolls, and other delectable dishes before the murder happened. That’s when the poisoning of top Herbology student Neville Longbottom was announced. Everyone adjourned to the upstairs part of the building to put their heads together and solve the murder. At the end of the night, it was revealed that Luna Lovegood accidentally poisoned Neville!

Thank You!

A special thanks to the wonderful witches and wizards from Honors who helped prepare the food, decorations, and much more.