Meet the December 2020 Honors Graduates Skip to main content

Meet the December 2020 Honors Graduates

Congratulations December Graduates!

Congratulations to our December 2020 Honors graduates! These students have demonstrated exceptional commitment to educational engagement, resulting in a broad undergraduate experience and an enhanced ability to create new knowledge with their Honors thesis.  We look to our Honors graduates to lead in our homes, communities and disciplines, and are excited to see them move forward in ways that will impact the world for good. Well done!

Amanda Gach

BA in International Relations
Honors Thesis: “Reciprocal Empathy: Reversing Animosity Towards Immigrant Outgroups”

Marisa Gonzalez-Mabbutt

BA in International Relations
Honors Thesis: “Asian Values and Democratic Viability: A Study of the Effects of Values on Thai Support for Democracy”
Plans After Graduation: Law School

Robert Hatch

robert hatch.png
BA in Spanish Teaching
Honors Thesis: “Meeting the Needs of Large Class Sizes Can Be Improved by Elimination Confirmation Bias in Testing Environments” (See Thesis Here)
(View Thesis Poster Here)
Plans After Graduation: Military Intelligence (employment)

Maddy Prince

BA in Nursing
Honors Thesis: “A Descriptive Study of Male Victims of Sexual Assault Seen for a Sexual Assualt Forensic Medical Examination”
(View Thesis Poster Here)
Plans After Graduation: Nurse Residency position at Cheyenne Regional Medical Center

Skylar Van Horne

BS in Biophysics
Honors Thesis: "Biological Pretreatment of Biomass for Enhanced Biogas Production”
Plans After Graduation: Medical School in California