Meet the August 2020 Honors Graduates Skip to main content

Meet the August 2020 Honors Graduates

Congratulations August Graduates!

We are proud to announce our August 2020 Honors graduates! Congratulations on your remarkable achievements, and good luck as you move on to new adventures and join the ranks of the BYU Honors Alumni.

Caleb Andreason

BS in Psychology
Honors Thesis: "Survivors of Human Trafficking: An Analysis of Current Mental Health Practices and Recommendations for Further Improvements”

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RiLee Rosetta Andros

BA in Spanish Translation
Honors Thesis: “An Introduction to and Translation of "The Construction of Coco Chanel's Personal Brand through her Photographs"
Future Plans: Work as a translator

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Emma Baker

BA in Classical Studies
Honors Thesis: “The Fatale Monstrum and the Nasty Woman: Gendered Political Representations of Cleopatra VII and Hillary Rodham Clinton”
Future Plans: Graduate School

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Madison Hailes Brasher

BA in English
Honors Thesis: “The Legacy of Jazz Poetry in Contemporary Rap: Langston Hughes, Gil Scott-Heron, and Kendrick Lamar”
Future Plans: Law School

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Claire Elise Chelladurai

BS in Psychology
Honors Thesis: “Parent Perspectives On Accessing Resources For Children With Developmental Delays And Their Younger Siblings”
Future Plans: Employment

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Nathan Clinton Coleman

BS in Economics
Honors Thesis: “Cancer Mortality Risk, Fine Particulate Air Pollution, and Smoking in a Large, Representative Cohort of U.S. Adults”
Future Plans: Graduate School

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Idongesit Hilary Ekpo

BS in Biochemistry
Honors Thesis: “Building an INS-1 CDNA Library for a Genome-Wide Crispr-Cas9 Screen can Help Identify Genes Required for B-Cell Survival of Metabolic Stressors”
Future Plans: Pursuing a PhD in Biochemistry at the University of Chicago

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Isabella Marie Errigo

BS in Environmental Science
Honors Thesis: “Human Health and Economic Costs of Air Pollution in Utah: An Expert Assessment”
Future Plans: Pursuing a MS degree in Environmental Science at BYU

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Jacob Matthew Fields

BS in Physics
Honors Thesis: “Gamma-ray Burst Afterglow Dynamics in Inhomogeneous Interstellar Media”
Future Plans: Graduate school at Pennsylvania State

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Taylor Keith Flickinger

BA in English
Honors Thesis: “The Face of God: Imaginary space in Pickle Green”
Future Plans: Graduate School

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Heidi Moe Graviet

BA in English
Honors Thesis: “Journey Into the Self: Essays of Bi-Culturalism, Religion, and Identity”
Future Plans: Content writer and seminary teacher, and eventually Divinity School and PhD

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Tyler Joshua Harris

Tyler Harris headshot square.jpg
BA in Ancient Near Eastern Studies
Honors Thesis: “From Mercy Seat to Judgment Seat: A Source-Critical Examination of Priestly Adjudication in the Pentateuch”
Future Plans: Pursuing a PhD in Ancient Near Eastern Studies at the University of Chicago

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Isabelle Caroline Kramer

BA in Communications
Honors Thesis: “An Analysis of Intercultural research from 2000-2020”

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Patrick Burton Marie Merkle

BA in Political Science
Honors Thesis: “Gabriele D’Annunzio and the Legal Tradition of the Italian Regency of Carnaro”
Future Plans: Graduate school at the University of Pennsylvania

Tanner Mark Money

BS in Geography
Honors Thesis: “A Comparison of the Economic and Cultural Development of Japan and Thailand through the Human Development and World Happiness Indexes”
Future Plans: Graduate school at the University of Utah

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Renae Armina Myers

BA in Philosophy
Honors Thesis: “The Influence of Johann Pestalozzi on Karl G. Maeser”

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Lisa Turley Smith

BS in Economics
Honors Thesis: “Differences in Immigrant Education by Destination Country: An Analysis of Turkish Immigrants' Perception of and Performance in Math and Science”
Future Plans: Working and looking at Pre-Doctoral research programs

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Madelyn Taylor

BA in English
Honors Thesis: “A New Oral Poetry: Improvisation and Performance in Robert Lowell's Readings”

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James Spencer White

BS in Strategic Management
Honors Thesis: “The Effects of Event Preoccupation on Business Activity: A bounded Rationality Perspective”
Future Plans: After a year of employment, plans to pursue a PhD in Business