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Hannah Cagle

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Hannah Cagle
Major: Linguistics & Spanish Studies
Minor: International Development
Gradution: April 2021

I served a mission in New England, which is where I met my husband. We've been married for three years. He and I formed a rock band called Vandergoose in 2018. We've been performing locally for the past two years, and we will be performing for BYU's TedEx event in March. Our music is a fun combo of rock, pop, funk, with a sprinkle of saxophone. Even though I graduate in less than two months, I still don't know what I'm doing with my life, because I consider myself a generalist. I am interested in International Law, Immigration Law, or getting an MPA and working in the field of Social Innovation/Impact. After graduation, I am moving to Austin, TX to get some work experience before pursuing more education. Austin is world reknown for its live music scene, so I plan to start performing there with my husband.

Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give your freshman self?
Give people a larger margin of error, including yourself.

All modesty aside, what are you better at than 90% of people?
It doesn’t have to be useful or serious (it can be something ridiculous). -- I have an uncanny talent for whistling. It sounds like a Disney princess (think Snow White).

Why did you decide to join the Honors Program?
I wanted to heighten the quality of my education through the Unexpected Connections courses.

What has been your favorite part of your Honors Experience?
The Unexpected Connections courses, specifically HONRS 227: Music and Race, with Jacob Rugh and Luke Howard.

What is your next step in Honors? (Specific class, thesis proposal/defense, etc)
I defend my thesis on March 11th, and I cannot wait to be finished!