We are proud to announce the December 2022 University Honors graduates! Graduating from BYU with University Honors is no small feat, only achieved by about one percent of the graduating class. It takes careful planning, hard work, and collaboration with faculty and students alike. We applaud these outstanding students and thank each of you for your contributions to our community of scholars. Good luck as you move on to new adventures as BYU Honors Alumni!
Paden Allsup
Major: Computer Science Minor: English Thesis: "Reservoir Computing Solutions For Watershed Health Predictions." See Thesis. Advisor: Christophe Giraud-Carrier Plans After Graduation: Paden plans to attend Graduate School at CU Boulder next fall
Samantha Baker
Major: Neuroscience Minor: Family Life Thesis: "An Examination of the Associations Between Relationship Education, Trust, Communication, Relationship Satisfaction and Sexual Satisfaction." See Thesis. Advisor: Chelom Leavitt Plans After Graduation: Samantha is looking forward to motherhood in May 2023 and Graduate School at Auburn University in 2024
Rachel Gouff
Major: English Minor: Spanish Thesis: “Surfaces and Appearances”: Character, Physiognomy, and Communication in Charles Dickens’s and Wilkie Collins’s “A Message from the Sea”. See Thesis. Advisor: Jamie Horrocks Plans After Graduation: Rachel is planning to attend graduate school.
Landon Hooley
Major: Political Science Minor: Political Strategy Thesis: "Critical Race Theory, Natural Rights, and the Fate of Liberalism." See Thesis. Advisor: Ralph Hancock Plans After Graduation: Landon will be working forNovarad as a Product and Market Research Analyst
Braydon Lee
Major: Neuroscience Minor: Chemistry Thesis: "Deep Nuclei Structural Integrity and Social Affective Outcomes in Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury." Advisor: Derin Cobia Plans After Graduation: Emergency medical technician at the University of Utah
Sara Linderman
Major: Neuroscience Thesis: The Effects of Vesicular Packaging on Spontaneous ATP and Dopamine Release in the Nucleus Accumbens Advisor: Jordan Yorgason Plans After Graduation: Sara will be attending Graduate School in Physical Therapy at Baylor University.
Christian Metzner
Major: Neuroscience Minor: Economics, Mathematics, Computer Science Thesis: Analyzing the Electromyographic Effects of Peripheral Stimulation Below Motor Neuron Threshold on Essential Tremor Patients Advisor: Steven Charles Plans After Graduation: Christian will pursue a PhD in Computational Neuroscience
Rachel Sowa
Major: Family Life: Human Development Minor: Spanish Thesis: Missionaries and Manipulation: Exploring Vulnerabilities and Safeguards for Young Missionaries in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. See Thesis. Advisor: Jason Whiting Plans After Graduation: Rachel hopes to attend BYU Law school next fall
Kelsie Westphal
Major: English Language Minor: Editing Thesis: "Prescriptive Lists: A Taxonomy of Lists Used in Prescriptive Discourse." See Thesis. Advisor: Don Chapman Plans After Graduation: Kelsie will be working as a freelance editor and writer.
Sally Wynn
December 12, 2022 09:31 AM
Major: Psychology Thesis: "Mindful Musicians: Train Mindfulness, Deliberate Practice, Anxiety and Depression Levels in College Musicians." See Thesis. Advisor: Sandra Sephton Plans After Graduation: Sally plans towork for a year before applying to Masters degree programs in Counseling