Celebrating Your Honors Graduation
It is my pleasure to congratulate you, our University Honors Graduates, as we celebrate your grand accomplishment of BYU Graduation this week! You have demonstrated exceptional commitment to educational engagement, resulting in a broad undergraduate experience and an enhanced ability to create new knowledge via your Honors thesis. I could not be more proud of you. We would all be remiss not to acknowledge the contributions of your family, friends and mentors. I hope you will take the time to thank them individually.
It is sad that conditions surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic do not allow us to meet and celebrate in person; it is a highlight each year for all of us in Honors to see our graduates and their guests, and to reflect on the satisfaction we feel seeing such capable graduates heading out into the world. However, the current situation makes it even more clear to me that the world needs people like you: Honors-educated graduates who are able to think about complex issues, capable of engaging with a diversity of people, and who are not afraid to learn new things. We look to you to lead in your homes, communities and disciplines, and to do all of this with faith, abiding in the love of our God and by the inspiration of the Spirit. Do not hesitate to move forward in ways that will impact the world for good. May God bless you in your next grand adventure.
Dr. Spencer P. Magleby
April 2020 Graduates
Nathan Guzman

Honors Thesis: “Wind Turbines and Housing Prices: Valuing the Impact of Wind Turbines on Residential Neighborhoods”
Future Plans: Employment as a Government Consultant at Deloitte
Favorite part of the University Honors Experience: “I enjoyed the conversations I had in my Unexpected Connections classes, specifically the immigration class"
Kimberly Michelsen

Honors Thesis: “Dialect and Employability: Human Resource Managers' Perceptions of African American English” https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/studentpub_uht/97/
Future Plans: Pursuing Graduate School and employment
Favorite part of the University Honors Experience: “Getting to collaborate with many people from different areas of campus and seeing different perspectives”
Jacob Price

Honors Thesis: “Modifying Just War Theory: The Use of Special Operations within the Modern Battlefield”
Future Plans: Serving our nation as an Officer in the Army
Favorite part of the University Honors Experience: “The Honors Thesis”
Erin Solomon

Honors Thesis: “Predictors of Client Stress at a University Counseling Center” https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/studentpub_uht/136/
Thesis Poster https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=2765471070187842&set=a.2703761486358801
Future Plans: Attending graduate school
Favorite part of the University Honors Experience: “I enjoyed the Great Questions essay”
Amanda Solomon

Honors Thesis “Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Against Arab Women Refugees Yazidi Minority in Iraq” https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/studentpub_uht/80/
Thesis Poster https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=2764210210313928&set=pcb.2764214290313520
Logan Thorneloe

Honors Thesis: “Analysis of Feature Extraction in Knee Cartilage Semantic Segmentation Convolutional Neural Networks” https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/studentpub_uht/131/
Thesis Poster https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=2764210036980612&set=pcb.2764214290313520
Future Plans: Employment at Microsoft
Favorite part of the University Honors Experience: “The Great Questions Essay”
Zak Webber

Honors Thesis: “Sunflowers are Ineffective Filtering Uranium From Water in the Navajo Nation: A Community Collaboration Investigating Applied Science and Environmental Justice” https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/studentpub_uht/137/
Thesis Poster https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=2764209983647284&set=pcb.2764214290313520
Future Plans: An MS in Global Health, eventually Medical School
Favorite part of the University Honors Experience: “My favorite part of the honors experience was Dr. Gil and Call's unexpected connections course. I loved the way they taught it! I loved as well all my unexpected connections courses.”
Jennifer Goldsberry

Honors Thesis "The Whole Truth: The Denominational Press Versus The Secular Press” https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/studentpub_uht/128/
Poster https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=2749198791815070&set=a.2703761486358801
Future Plans: Employment as a reporter
Favorite part of the University Honors Experience: “Becoming a bobble head just because I shared my thesis with freshmen”
Matt Jacobs

Honors Thesis "Novel Methods for Composites: Recycling via Pyrolysis” https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/studentpub_uht/129/
Poster https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=2749198771815072&set=a.2703761486358801
Future Plans: Attending graduate school at Purdue University
Favorite part of the University Honors Experience: “The Honors Thesis”
Bowman McCullough

Honors Thesis “The Effects of Latent Infection and Atmospheric Pollutant Levels on Memory Search Reaction Time”
Poster https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/studentpub_uht/135/
Future Plans: “Build wealth and abundance in my life.”
Favorite part of the University Honors Experience: “My favorite part was the positive interactions with my professors, and their willingness to invest the time in getting to know me, helping me develop my person in general, and help teach me the subjects they specialized in.”
Michael Mortenson

Honors Thesis "Extending the Bandwidth of Intensity-Based Sound Power Estimates” https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/studentpub_uht/130/
Poster https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=2749230958478520&set=a.2703761486358801
Future Plans: Attending BYU for a graduate degree in Physics
Favorite part of the University Honors Experience: “The food. :) Writing freely, and diverse lectures.”
Collin Myers

Honors Thesis "The Effects of Mergers and Acquisitions on the Long-Term Volatility of Equity Returns” https://sholarsarchive.byu.edu/studentpub_uht/93/
Poster https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=2749229671811982&set=a.2703761486358801
Future Plans: Employment as an Investment Banker for J.P. Morgan
Favorite part of the University Honors Experience: “The friends I made and the research I was able to complete!”
Michael Nixon

Honors Thesis "Fight, Flight and Freeze: Human Responses in a Business Strategy Environment”
Thesis Poster https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=2749198951815054&set=a.2703761486358801
Kolby Nottingham

Honors Thesis "Using Logical Specifications for Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning” https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/studentpub_uht/133/
Poster https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=2749230788478537&set=a.2703761486358801
Future Plans: Attending graduate school
Favorite part of the University Honors Experience: “Small discussion based interesting coursework”
Aubrey Parry

Honors Thesis "Stuck in Enilikos: Growing Up in Young Adult and Middle Grade Literature”
Poster https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=2749198941815055&set=a.2703761486358801
Future Plans: An internship with the Liahona Magazine and working as a freelance editor
Favorite part of the University Honors Experience: “Either the Great a Works class or the Honors Thesis”
Rebekah Pimentel

Honors Thesis "Examining Vergil’s Understanding of Homer Through Nausicaa and Dido”
Poster https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=2749198891815060&set=a.2703761486358801
Future Plans: Attending Law School
Favorite part of the University Honors Experience: “The Great Questions class [Honors 320]”
Bryan Samuelsen

Honors Thesis "Rising Action: The Effect of Narrative Transportation on Consumer Behavior” https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/studentpub_uht/134/
Poster https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=2749198831815066&set=a.2703761486358801
Future Plans: Employment as a Brand Manager at Unilever
Favorite part of the University Honors Experience: “Either the Honors community (Julie, Vika, classmates, etc.) or the Unexpected Connections courses. I had great Unexpected Connections teachers.”
Catherine Sawyer

Honors Thesis "An Analysis of Opiate Prescription for Chronic Degenerative Disease and Other Pain Syndromes” https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/studentpub_uht/132/
Poster https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=2749198695148413&set=a.2703761486358801
Favorite part of the University Honors Experience: “The Honors thesis”
Aspen Greaves

Honors Thesis "Women in the Early Mongol Empire: Female Types in The Secret History of the Mongols ” https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/studentpub_uht/122/
Poster https://www.facebook.com/ByuHonors/photos/a.2703761486358801/2733702900031326/?type=3&theater
Robert Borden

Honors Thesis "Impartiality: A Comparison of Legal Processes in the United States and Italy” https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/studentpub_uht/116/
Poster https://www.facebook.com/ByuHonors/photos/a.2703761486358801/2734571146611168/?type=3&theater
Future Plans: Law School
Favorite part of the University Honors Experience: “Working with my thesis committee.”
Connor Lee Wen

Honors Thesis "Stadium Apartments: A Mixed-Use Development Proposal” https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/studentpub_uht/123/
Poster https://www.facebook.com/ByuHonors/photos/a.2703761486358801/2734571176611165/?type=3&theater
Future Plans: Employment
Favorite part of the University Honors Experience: “The relationships I made with people from all majors.”
Danielle Hallows

Honors Thesis "The Full Forecast: A Gender and Racial Analysis of Broadcast TV Weathercasters” https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/studentpub_uht/117/
Poster https://www.facebook.com/ByuHonors/photos/a.2703761486358801/2734571273277822/?type=3&theater
Ellie Johnson

Honors Thesis "Does negative frequency-dependent selection maintain gonopodial asymmetry in Xenophallus umbratilis?” https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/studentpub_uht/125/
Poster https://www.facebook.com/ByuHonors/photos/a.2703761486358801/2734571136611169/?type=3&theater
Future Plans: Attending BYU for a graduate degree in Biology
Favorite part of the University Honors Experience: “I loved the classes. The smaller class sizes facilitated a wonderful learning dynamic wherein peers and professors all knew each other and knew each other well.”
Ulysse George McCann III

Honors Thesis "Trends in Hospital Prices: Evidence from Hospital Chargemasters” https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/studentpub_uht/124/
Poster https://www.facebook.com/ByuHonors/photos/a.2703761486358801/2733703480031268/?type=3&theater
Hunter Giles

Honors Thesis "Promoter Characterization: A Novel Method in Zebrafish” https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/studentpub_uht/120/
Poster https://www.facebook.com/ByuHonors/photos/a.2703761486358801/2733703106697972/?type=3&theater
Future Plans: Will earn a graduate degree in genetics
Favorite part of the University Honors Experience: “The Intro to Great Questions Class (HONRS 120) where we got to see different perspectives from professors around campus.”
Jake Hogan

Honors Thesis "Casual Effects among Burst Suppresion, Mortality, Propofol, and Critical Illness” https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/studentpub_uht/121/
Poster https://www.facebook.com/ByuHonors/photos/a.2703761486358801/2733703313364618/?type=3&theater
Meredith Hanna

Honors Thesis "Symposium of Laughter: Eighteenth-Century Masculinity and Sociability in George Knapton’s Portraits of the Society of Dilletanti” https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/studentpub_uht/118/
Poster https://www.facebook.com/ByuHonors/photos/a.2703761486358801/2733703453364604/?type=3&theater
Future Plans: Attending graduate school
Favorite part of the University Honors Experience: “The community!”
Miranda Jessop

Honors Thesis "'Women Thus Educated’: Transnational Influences on Women’s Arguments for Female Education in Seventeenth-Century England” https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/studentpub_uht/119/
Poster https://www.facebook.com/ByuHonors/photos/a.2703761486358801/2733703183364631/?type=3&theater
Future Plans: “After a year of full-time employment, I plan on attending graduate school.”
Favorite part of the University Honors Experience: “Cambridge!”
Sam Heywood

Honors Thesis "Forgetting the Mine Wars: Erasing Insurrection in West Virginia History” https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/studentpub_uht/126/
Poster https://www.facebook.com/ByuHonors/photos/a.2703761486358801/2734571249944491/?type=3&theater
Future Plans: Attending graduate school in Arizona to earn a Master’s in History
Favorite part of the University Honors Experience: “The Unexpected Connections classes.”
Abby Clayton

Honors Thesis: “Who Owns the Bard?: P.T. Barnum, Charles Dickens, and the Shakespeare Birthplace Showdown of 1847” https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/studentpub_uht/106
Poster: https://www.facebook.com/ByuHonors/photos/ms.c.eJw9zNkJAFEIQ9GOBk1c~_29swIf~_Hm6CVEQxWNnd2h8eSAxkHJRbRJguqAzwJsiZuC9QHuCAM9E7ZU1htmA6hdQBoSSSCz6Fd~;32uiYh.bps.a.2703761486358801/2712683638799919/?type=3&theater
Future Plans: Attending graduate school at Indiana University-Bloomington to earn my Ph.D. in English
Favorite part of the University Honors Experience: “Everything! The thesis, Honors 320, working with amazing faculty and students”
Brennon Brimhall

Honors Thesis: “Machine Learning for Effective Parkinson’s Disease Diagnosis” https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/studentpub_uht/114
Poster: https://www.facebook.com/ByuHonors/photos/a.2703761486358801/2734603803274569/?type=3&theater
Future Plans: Attending graduate school and working
Favorite part of the University Honors Experience: “The great people; especially Julie [Assistant Director of the Honors Program and Honors 320 Instructor], Vika [Advisement Supervisor], and the faculty.”
Brian Allen

Honors Thesis: “Community Level Perspectives on Informal Alcohol: Understanding the Role of Traditional Brewers in Dowa District, Malawi” https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/studentpub_uht/109
Poster: https://www.facebook.com/ByuHonors/photos/a.2703761486358801/2734603916607891/?type=3&theater
Future Plans: Attending graduate school and working
Favorite part of the University Honors Experience: “The great people; especially Julie [Assistant Director of the Honors Program and Honors 320 Instructor], Vika [Advisement Supervisor], and the faculty.”
Candice Boren

Honors Thesis: “Adaptations: The Graphic Novel and Shakespeare’s Hamlet” https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/studentpub_uht/113
Poster: https://www.facebook.com/ByuHonors/photos/a.2703761486358801/2734603513274598/?type=3&theater
Favorite part of the University Honors Experience: “Challenging myself and discovering new things.”
Emilia Bingham

Honors Thesis: “Validating the Collegiate Optimism Orientation Test and Exploring Its Correlation to GPA and Mental Health Among College Students” https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/studentpub_uht/112
Poster: https://www.facebook.com/ByuHonors/photos/a.2703761486358801/2734603473274602/?type=3&theater
Future Plans: Attending graduate school at Boston College to earn her Masters in Social Work
Favorite part of the University Honors Experience: “I loved the community I had in my Honors classes, and the change the Honors Program gave me to broaden my mind and open my eyes to different perspectives.”
Jacob Bartschi

Honors Thesis: “Increasing Isolation Between Closely Spaced X-Band Planar Transmit/Receive Antennas” https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/studentpub_uht/110
Future Plans: Attending graduate school at BYU to earn his Masters in Electrical Engineering
Favorite part of the University Honors Experience: “The great questions class, Honors 320.”
Jacob Fields

Honors Thesis: “Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglow Dynamics in Inhomogeneous Interstellar Media” https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/studentpub_uht/107
Poster: https://www.facebook.com/ByuHonors/photos/ms.c.eJw9zNkJAFEIQ9GOBk1c~_29swIf~_Hm6CVEQxWNnd2h8eSAxkHJRbRJguqAzwJsiZuC9QHuCAM9E7ZU1htmA6hdQBoSSSCz6Fd~;32uiYh.bps.a.2703761486358801/2712683335466616/?type=3&theater
Future Plans: Attending graduate school to earn his PhD in Physics
Favorite part of the University Honors Experience: “I enjoyed the Great Questions Essay a lot.”
Jason Colgrove

Honors Thesis: “An Actuarial Approach to Personal Injury Protection Severity” https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/studentpub_uht/127
Poster: https://www.facebook.com/ByuHonors/photos/a.2703761486358801/2734603609941255/?type=3&theater
Jonathan Engle

Honors Thesis: “What Role Should Philosophy Play in the Public Sphere? The Intrinsic Value of Public Philosophy” https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/studentpub_uht/111
Future Plans: Employment as a SaaS Sales – Business Development Representative at Everee
Favorite part of the University Honors Experience: “The Unexpected Connections courses were powerful! They were probably the most intellectually expanding, and the big writing project [Great Questions Essay] pushed my writing ability further than my major ever did! I’m also very thankful for the Honors Program staff for cheering me on and encouraging me. I wouldn’t have finished without it.”
Nathan Coleman

Honors Thesis: “Cancer Mortality Risk, Fine Particulate Air Pollution, and Smoking in a Large, Representative Cohort of U.S. Adults” https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/studentpub_uht/115
Poster: https://www.facebook.com/ByuHonors/photos/a.2703761486358801/2734603813274568/?type=3&theater
Future Plans: Employment with Bates White LLC
Favorite part of the University Honors Experience: “Meeting intelligent students.”
Victoria Beecroft

Honors Thesis: “Learning Outcomes and Teacher Training: A Difference-in-differences Evaluation of Pratham Government Partnerships in India” https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/studentpub_uht/108
Poster: https://www.facebook.com/ByuHonors/photos/a.2703761486358801/2734603776607905/?type=3&theater
Future Plans: Employment with McKinsey & Company
Favorite part of the University Honors Experience: “Great Questions [Honors 320] class and thesis.”
December 2019 Graduates
Emily Ashcraft

Honors Thesis "Media and the Formation of Scottish Parliament” https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/studentpub_uht/99/
Poster https://www.facebook.com/ByuHonors/photos/a.2703761486358801/2734603543274595/?type=3&theater
Barret Burgin

Honors Thesis “Father of Man: An Exploration of the Afterlife in Cinema” https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/studentpub_uht/101/
Poster https://www.facebook.com/ByuHonors/photos/a.2703761486358801/2703761939692089/?type=3&theater
Plans After Graduation: “I intend to sell the feature film I shot last year and use the resources and influence gained to fund my next feature”
Bradley Goronson

Honors Thesis “An Integrated Model of Ethical Capital and Relational Wealth of the Firm” https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/studentpub_uht/104/
Poster https://www.facebook.com/ByuHonors/photos/a.2703761486358801/2703761669692116/?type=3&theater
Future Plans: Employment as a Product Specialist at Qualtrics
Favorite part of the University Honors Experience: “It's hard to say. My first unexpected connections course (representations of nationalism) changed my life by helping me open my mind to deeper intellectual pursuits.”
Madalyn Lyman

Honors Thesis "Pages of the Revolution: Symbolism in Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen’s O Nome das Coisas” https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/studentpub_uht/100/
Poster https://www.facebook.com/ByuHonors/photos/a.2703761486358801/2734603959941220/?type=3&theater
Sarah Quan

Honors Thesis "China's Maritime Grand Strategy” https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/studentpub_uht/105/
Poster https://www.facebook.com/ByuHonors/photos/a.2703761486358801/2703761863025430/?type=3&theater
Future Plans: Foreign Service Officer with the U.S. State Department
Favorite part of the University Honors Experience: “Honors 320, writing my thesis, and meeting great professors and students!”
Rebecca Russavage

Honors Thesis “Women, Wars, and Nations: How Conflict Can Change the Norms of Nationalism” https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/studentpub/285/
Poster https://www.facebook.com/ByuHonors/photos/a.2703761486358801/2703761863025430/?type=3&theater
Future Plans: Employment
Favorite part of the University Honors Experience: “The discussions we had in Unexpected Connections classes.”
Naomi Smith

Honors Thesis: “Doxastic Voluntarism and Religious Diversity https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/studentpub_uht/98/
Future Plans: Attending graduate school
Favorite part of the University Honors Experience: “The Unexpected Connections courses”
Rio Turnbull

Honors Thesis: “Preserving the Trauma Narrative of The Hunger Games: as Based in the Novels, the Films, and Morality” https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/mssp/22/
Poster: https://www.facebook.com/ByuHonors/photos/a.2703761486358801/2705883432813273/?type=3&theater
Future Plans: Attending graduate school in England
Favorite part of the University Honors Experience: “Both the Unexpected Connections courses and my Great Questions class. Both were incredibly intellectually stimulating and helped me grow.”
Laura Westhoff

Honors Thesis "Functional Implications of NLRP1 Variants for Autoimmune Disease” https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/studentpub_uht/103/
Poster https://www.facebook.com/ByuHonors/photos/a.2703761486358801/2703761929692090/?type=3&theater