As another semester draws to a close, we are excited to congratulate our December 2024 Honors graduates! These students have demonstrated exceptional commitment to educational engagement, resulting in a broad, undergraduate experience and an enhanced ability to contribute to the academic body of knowledge with their Honors theses. We are excited to see them move forward in ways that will impact the world in remarkable ways. Well done!
Rosemary Ellen Ashby
Major: Experience Design and Management Thesis: Relations Among Academic Program Elements and Students' Sense of Belonging (view thesis) Advisor: Neil Lundberg Plans After Graduation: Rosemary plans to travel Europe, then seek employment with plans to return to graduate school in the next five years.
Cielo Corinne Bake
Major: Interdisciplinary Humanities Thesis: Music Is My Language: Analyzing Autism Acceptance within Communities (view thesis) Advisor: Garrett Cardon
Kyle James Bird
Major: Geography Thesis: Analyzing the Relationship Between Tree Canopy Coverage and Snowpack in the Great Salt Lake Watershed (view thesis) Advisor: Grayson Morgan Plans After Graduation: Kyle will attend graduate school at Cambridge University, studying Quantitative Climate and Environmental Science.
Adam Bonny
Major: Media Arts Studies Thesis: Automate to Create: Simplifying Workflows for Small Film Productions (view thesis) Advisor: Jeffrey Parkin Plans After Graduation: Adam will be attending graduate school at La Fémis, in Paris, France.
Allison Grace Dahl
Major: Communications Disorders Thesis: Recommendations for Adapting Religious Materials for People with Aphasia (view thesis) Advisor: Dallin Bailey Plans After Graduation: Allison will attend graduate school at Baylor University.
Emma Rachel Dart
Major: International Relations Thesis: Cross-National Prevalence and Legality of Consanguinity & Its Implications for State Security (view thesis) Advisor: Celeste Beesley Plans After Graduation: Emma is currently waiting for security clearance and review for a job with the federal government.
Blaise Rachel Dobson
Major: Psychology Thesis: Examining the Dual Nature of Post-Mission Mental Health: An Analysis of Mental Health Symptoms and Positive Well-Being Among Returned Missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (view thesis) Advisor: Blake Jones Plans After Graduation: Blaise plans to attend graduate school.
Rebecca Price Goldrup
Major: Sociology Thesis: Family Ties: How Families of Origin and Procreation Influence Women's Migration and Integration (view thesis) Advisor: Jane Lopez Plans After Graduation: Rebecca plans to work for a year and then return for a Master’s program.
Chad David Hyer
Major: Molecular Biology Thesis: Elucidating the Role of Aging in Protein Misfolding and Amyloid Cascade in Transthyretin Amyloidosis Advisor: John Price Plans After Graduation: Chad hopes to attend Stanford for a PhD in Bioengineering.
Madeline Kay Martin
Major: Wildlife and Wildlands Conservation Thesis: Detecting Multiple Paternity in Mule Deer Using Kinship Values (view thesis) Advisor: Brock McMillan Plans After Graduation: Madeline is still finalizing plans for grad school, considering Iowa State and others.
Isabella Aguiar Roque
Major: Neuroscience Thesis: Bile Acid Effects on Accumbal Cholinergic Interneuron Firing Rates Advisor: Jordan Yorgason Plans After Graduation: Isabella will attend graduate school here at BYU for a Neuroscience MS degree.
Lauren Andrea Schmalz
Major: English Thesis: Navigating Narrative and Identity: Producing Promposal Advisor: Kelly Loosli
Samuel Paul Taylor
Major: Political Science Thesis: Normative Truth Under Metamodernism (view thesis) Advisor: Ralph Hancock